Back Issues of Engineering & Technology in India - From February2016
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Copyright © 2016 M. S. Thirumalai
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Entrepreneurship and Management:
Innovative Construction Techniques and Ecological Development
Papers Presented in
Editor: Dr. C. Swarnalatha, MBA, Ph.D.
DEAN i/c.
Anna University, Regional Campus, Madurai - 625 019
Tamilnadu, India
Assistant Editor: N. Vivek, MBA
Department of Management Studies Anna University, Regional Campus, Madurai - 625 019
Tamilnadu, India
- Editor's Note ...
Dr. C. Swarnalatha, MBA, Ph.D.
Volume 1
Management Issues
- Safety Management Practices of New Entrepreneurs in Food Industry ...
Akshaya and Aarthy
- Study on Safety Management in Construction Projects ...
Anchu. D. R.
- Advanced Waste Management - Need of the Hour ...
Arun. S.B., PG Scholar
- An Organisational Study about Advance Waste Management ...
M. Arun Sankar, PG Scholar
- Eco Friendly Structures ...
S. Suba Bagavathi, M.Phil. Scholar and R. Jackson Gunaraj, MBA
- Safety Management ...
Prof. Dr. S. Raju, Ph.D. and S. Suba Bagavathi, M.Phil. Scholar
- Role of NDMA in Disaster Management –
A Study with Reference to India
... C. Bharathi Kannan, PG Scholar
- Business Ideas for Civil Engineers Startup ...
R. Dharani, PG Scholar
- A Study about Advanced Waste Management ...
S. Dhinesh Kumar, PG Scholar
- An Organizational Study About Green Environment ...
M. Elavarasi, PG Scholar
- A Detailed Study on Managing Corporate Social Responsibility and
Customer Relationship Management in Public Banking Sector With
Reference to Madurai District
... Dr. R. Gopalakrishnan, MBA, Ph.D. and
Prof. Dr. C. Swarnalatha, MBA, Ph.D.
- Implementation of Six Sigma as an Innovative Technology in
Business Management with Special Reference to Education Domain
... A. P. Arul Jeevaraj, M.Sc., MBA and Prof. Dr. S. Raju, Ph.D.
- A Waste Management of Library Resources ...
V. Jesintha Banu
- A Study about Advance Waste Management ...
J. Naveen Kumar, PG Scholar
- Go Green and Save Environment ...
J. Josephine Alice Mary, M.Phil. Scholar and A. P. Arul Jeevaraj, MBA
- Disaster Planning and Management in India - A Study ...
P. Karthikeyan, PG Scholar
- Entrepreneurship Opportunities and Challenges in India ...
M. Lakshmanan, Teaching Fellow
- A Study about the Business Management in Innovation Technology ...
Lavanya P.K. PG Scholar
- Influencing Entrepreneurial Behavior among Engineering College Students
Madurai District: An Empirical Study
... S. Vijay Mallikraj and Prof. Dr. S. Raju
- A Study about Business Management and Innovation Technology ...
N. Manoj Kumar, PG Scholar
- An Organisational Study about Eco Friendly Structure ...
P. Muthu Raja, PG Scholar
- Disaster Knowledge Management - A Study ...
Dr. C. Muthuvelayutham and S. B. Arun, PG Scholar
- National Disaster Response Force - A Study ...
K. Narendhran, PG Scholar
- Disaster Management Policies and Classification ...
B. Naveen Kumar, PG Scholar
- A Study On Eco Friendly Structure ...
M. Parthasarathi, PG Scholar
- Business Management and Innovation Technology ...
S. Prarthana, PG Scholar
- A Study about Safety Management ...
S. Pravin Kumar, PG Scholar
- Effective Supply Chain Strategies for Integrated Disaster Management ...
C. Rajagopal, Research Scholar and Dr. M. Palanivelrajan
- Empowerment of Social Entrepreneurship in Disaster Management ...
Dr. K. G. Nalina , U. Rajalakshmi, PG Scholar and
M. R. N. Sinduja, PG Scholar
- Business Management and Innovation Technology ...
U. Rajananthini, PG Scholar
- A Study about Advanced Waste Management ...
V. Ramanathan, PG Scholar
- Aspects of E-Waste Management in India ...
G. Ramesh Pandi
- A Study on Green Marketing: An Emerging Practice of
Indian Entrepreneurs
Dr. S. Rani
- Some Aspects of Safety Management ...
C. Ravikumar, PG Scholar
- Labour Safety in Construction Site - A Study ...
S. Rubashree, PG Scholar
- Entrepreneurship Development among the Young Generation ...
S. Sabitha, Research Scholar and A.P. Arul Jeevaraj, M.Sc., MBA
- Green Environment – Past, Present and Future ...
Prof. Dr. S. Raju and S. Sabitha, M.Phil. Scholar
- Aspects of Green Environment ...
M. Sakthiniveda, PG Scholar
- An Overall View of Disaster Management ...
N. Vivek, B.A. (RBP), B.Com., MBA, UGC NET, MISTE
E. Sangeetha, PG Scholar
- An Organisational Study about Safety Management ...
V. Santhosh Kumar, PG Scholar
- A Proposed System of Safety Management for
Successful Indian Construction Activities
... T. Sathyapriya, PG Scholar
- Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Sector in Indian Context ...
Prof. Dr. C. Swarnalatha, MBA., M.Phil., Ph.D.
M. Tharani, Reserch Scholar
- A Study on Job Involvement, Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction
among Teachers in Self-Financing Engineering Colleges in
Anna University-Madurai Region
... M. Valan Rajkumar, R. Ilangovan, and A. Velanganni Joseph
- Consumer Brand Preference and Switching Behavior in
Cellular Service Industry – Madurai District
... Vasundhara, S., Research Scholar and Prof. Dr. C. Swarnalatha
- Adversity Quotient®:
A Universal Retention Strategy for
Nascent Organizations
... Dr. Venkatesh J.
Ms. Shivaranjani G., Full Time Ph.D. Research Scholar
- Cyber Ethics in Virtual Organizations ...
M. Vignesh, M.Sc., MBA and A.P. Arul Jeevaraj, M.Sc., MBA
- Need for Disaster Management in India ...
P. Vignesh, PG Scholar
Volume 2
Civil Engineering
- Experimental Investigation of Flexural Behavior of Self Compacting
Concrete Using Copper Slage
Dinesh S. and Rameshbabu Maharajan B.
- An Ample Appraisal of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Insulation ...
A. M. Vasumathi and R. Greesan
- A Study on Causes and Effects of Delays in Construction Projects at
Dindigul and Madurai Districts ... R. Ilangovan, M. Valan Rajkumar and A. Velanganni Joseph
- Managing Structural Raw Materials by Replacement of Concrete Materials with
Fly Ash, M-Sand, Coconut Shell & Bamboo
... Prof. Dr. S. Raju, A. P. Arul Jeeva Raj and Ms. S. Jenifer, B.E. (Civil)
- Architectural Layout and Beauty of Madurai Meenakshi Temple ...
Dr. D. Nagarathinam, M.E., Ph.D. and Rtn. Er. S. Ramanathan, F.I.E.
- A Study about Green Environment ...
T. Ravisankar, II Year ME (Structural Engineering)
- Construction Waste in Benzene Removal by Column Study in Ground Water –
A Pragmatic Approach
... M. Senthil Kumar, GVT. Gopalakrishna and V. Sivasankar
- Big Data in Disaster Management ...
Jebas Sinthiya. I., PG Scholar and Shanmugapriya. E.
- A Waste and E-Waste Management – An Overview ...
E. Shanmugapriya and N. Vivek
- The Value of Mathematical Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship ...
M. Vidhya Priya
- Physical and Chemical characteristics of Dolomite for
Partial Replacement of Cement in M20 Concrete ... J. Satheesh Kumar, G. Palaniselvan, D. Jayganesh, and J. Vijayaraghavan
- Mineral Additive Based Mortar for the Enhancement of Water Repellent Properties ...
Zunaithur Rahman. D., Jeyamugesh. S., Ilakkiya. N. and Vijayaraghavan. J.
- Study on Waste Rubber Tyre in Concrete for Eco-friendly Environment ...
Zunaithur Rahman. D., Jeyamugesh. S., Sivaranjani. S., and Vijayaraghavan. J.
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